A Little Favor for a Small Business?

A Little Favor for a Small Business?


Happy post-Thanksgiving, everyone!! I have a quick favor!

Please comment “yes,” below, with your email if I can post my Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday special on your Facebook wall and/or blog page sometime today or tomorrow. All who do will be entered in to win a fitness program worth $40! I am SO grateful for your support and I promise to keep it super SHORT + sweet. Many thanks!

Black Friday Sale Starts TODAY!!

Black Friday Sale Starts TODAY!!


Who loves a SALE?!? Meeeeeee!!! If you do, too, then you’ve got to check out the #Beachbody Black Friday sales starting TODAY and happening ALL WEEK!!! I’m so pumped because one of my favorite programs is marked down, it’s crazy cheap! Like up to 75% off (whatttt?!?)!!!

Give the gift of fitness to yourself or a loved one this year! 🙂

Shop now!!!

#blackfridaysale #givethegiftoffitness

Leg Day

Leg Day

leg day

And this is exactly how I’m feeling after ‪#‎Insanity‬ Asylum Vertical Plyo this morning. BUT it’s DONE! What’s your workout today?‪#‎WorkoutWednesday‬

I hate diets

I hate diets


I do NOT like diets. I do NOT like feeling deprived. I do NOT like feeling like I can’t have a beer or glass of wine or cookie or pizza or, oh, SUSHI!! And I really hate feeling guilty if I have a bad day (ahem, Halloween candy, I’m talking to you). Thank goodness I can have all those things and never once feel an ounce of guilt and STILL hit my goals :).

FREE 7-Day Squat Challenge!

FREE 7-Day Squat Challenge!


Happy Thursday!! I am going to be starting a FREE 7-Day Squat Challenge THIS Sunday! It’s just for fun and everyone is welcome to join so feel free to share this post!!

It all goes down on Sunday, November 15, just in time for Thanksgiving! Also, did I mention there’s a PRIZE–a REALLY good one!–for whomever invites the most friends, who participate in the challenge???

Comment, below, that you’re in AND leave your email address so I can add you to the private Facebook group! Or, click here to join the group!

It’s FREE! What do you have to lose?

Can’t wait to do this with you all!!

FREE 7-Day Squat Challenge!

FREE 7-Day Squat Challenge!


So I’m hosting a FREE 7-day squat challenge. It’s super simple: I show you the specific exercise for each day and then you do the assigned amount of reps! 🙂 (I promise, it’s not hard but your booty will LOVE you!)

If you want to kick off some healthy habits before Thanksgiving, comment here, email me at blakemiller23 [at] gmail [dot] com, or join the event here :). It starts Sunday, November 15th!

PLUS, if you invite the most friends, who join the challenge with us, you can win a REALLY awesome prize!! 🙂

Yay for getting in shape BEFORE the holidays!! 🙂

What Food is to Blame for Childhood Obesity?

What Food is to Blame for Childhood Obesity?

As a parent, childhood obesity is a very real thing for me. I worry about it all.the.time. I worry that I’m not feeding my girls healthy enough food. I worry that I’m a bad parent if I give them McDonald’s French fries and chicken nuggets from time to time. I worry that they’re eating too many processed foods and not enough whole, natural ones. I worry that I should be feeding them and us more organic fruits and veggies. And, above all, I worry that all of these choices I am making for them, will cause them to gain weight.

To put it bluntly: I worry about my kids getting fat.

It’s not just about the increased risk of getting bullied or made fun of at school because of it, it’s also because I know the risks. If I’m here busting my tail to stay fit and healthy, wouldn’t it seem unfair to my girls and selfish of if I didn’t approach their eating habits the same way I approach my own and my husband’s?

This study out this week in Health Affairs scares me. This is from The Atlantic:

Their findings, published in Health Affairs this week, show that the children who gained the most excess weight over the course of three years ate more butter and margarine, battered fish and poultry, potato chips, processed meat, French fries, milk, sweets, and sugary beverages. The only foods associated with staying at a healthy weight? Whole grains and high-fiber breakfast cereal.

Images courtesy of The Atlantic.

So what do we do as parents? What do I do as a parent? I will continue to eat healthy in front of my girls and show them that healthy food does, in fact, taste really really good! I will continue to exercise in front of them and show them that we exercise to stay strong and healthy. I will continue to take them outside for play time and away from the TV or iPad and show them that fresh air and playing outside is truly one of life’s biggest pleasures.

My question to you, though, is this: what are the best things you’re currently doing to combat childhood and obesity and keep your kids healthy? I’d love your tips and advice!!