How to Lose the Last 5-10 Lbs. from Summer!

How to Lose the Last 5-10 Lbs. from Summer!


💥I’m gonna be totally transparent here.💥Over the summer, I gained 5 lbs. 😔Now I know that doesn’t sound like much, but for me, it is. I can *feel* it in my stomach and thighs. I got so caught up in cold beers on hot summer days, pizza by the pool, and being super willy nilly about my nutrition, that it all caught up to me.

The good news is that I know exactly what I need to do. And with this upcoming challenge I plan to shed those 5 lbs. (plus more!!) and get my butt in gear again. Woop woop!!👊🏻👍🏻

Did the summer catch up to you, too? Do you want to get on awesome shape while eating a TON of delicious food? If so, join me October 3rd for my 30-day Fit for Fall challenge!! Comment, below, or message 📩📩me, for more details!!