Awesome Lower Ab Move! (Bye Bye Mommy Pooch!)

Awesome Lower Ab Move! (Bye Bye Mommy Pooch!)

Killer Ab Exercise!

Killer Ab Exercise!

Ohhh this is a good one! This is one of the best lower ab moves I have done in a LONG time! It’s straight from Insanity Max30, my new favorite love. (I honestly didn’t think I could love a program more than Insanity Asylum but Max30 has won my heart!) It is a BEAST!

Do 3 sets, 1 minute each. Need to modify? That’s ok! Ditch the push-up and just toe tap or touch your knees instead! Let me know how you did!

Workout Wednesday!

Workout Wednesday!

I wrapped up one of my favorite workouts this morning: #Insanity Asylum Upper Elite. SO.MANY.PUSH-UPS. But, my arms feel AMAZING. Wanna give it a try?

For one minute:
✔ Triceps push-up (keep those elbows in tight against your rib cage! Don’t drop your pelvis or keep your butt in the air)
✔ Pike (contract those lower abs when you’re up in pike position)
Do as fast as you can (as you can see, I can’t go crazy fast like Shaun T does but I’m working on it!) for one minute!! Can’t do 60 seconds? Try 15 seconds then stop. Then try 15 seconds more. And so on. Do what you can :).
Workout Wednesday!

Workout Wednesday!

I love me some power jumps! And what better way to make it a full body move than to couple a power jump with a dive into a triceps push-up! BAM!

And I LOVE that I can stream live ‪#‎Insanity‬ workouts right to my phone so I can workout anywhere, anytime! And do moves like this one!

Try it for 3 sets, one minute each:

Power jump then dive directly into a triceps push-up. Can’t do a triceps push-up? It’s always ok to modify! Drop on your knees instead!

Workout Wednesday!

Workout Wednesday!

I love me some Insanity Asylum! But I’m gonna be honest: I really do not like doing this move! That’s probably because it’s not easy. It’s the BEAR CRAWL!

For one minute:

Get in a sumo squat position then bear crawl out to a straight-arm plank position. Hold for 5 seconds, then crawl back into a sumo squat position using your hands. The idea is to get as low to the ground as possible while crawling.

Comment, below, if you give it a shot!



A little treat for all of you looking for a quickie workout that really burns your entire body! This little combo is from Insanity Asylum, the program I am currently doing and in week 5 of 8! I LOVE this program! It’s never boring and it always keeps my muscles working and thinking. The results so far: my arms are WAY toned! I mean, hello triceps and shoulders!

Here’s the workout:

1) Do one push-up with weights.
2) Do spider lunges on each side.
3) Do another push-up.
4) Do 8 mountain climbers.
5) Return to standing. Do one set of 8, 3 sets total. Enjoy the burn! Comment, below, if you complete it!